MD ID 6530

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Course Details

MD ID 6530 - Global Medicine
Course Goals - As a result of completing: (1) Students will be able list the most common causes of mortality and morbidity for various age groups and genders and compare and contrast outcomes between WHO regions. (2) Students will be able to identify risk factors, signs and symptoms for common causes of mortality or morbidity that facilitate diagnosis in low-resource settings. (3) Students will be able to describe the role of syndromic management and clinical algorithms for treatment of common health conditions in low-resource settings. (4) Students will be able to identify clinical interventions and integrated strategies that have been demonstrated to substantially improve individual and/or population health in low-resource settings. (5) Students will be able to discuss ethical approaches to global health practice, research and development.
Medicine, Interdepartmental
Credit Range
1 - 1
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
Monson,Jennifer DC | jennifer.monson@hsc.utah.eduCRAWFORD,HOPE DC |
Lopansri,Bert (DD) |
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Incomplete (I)Pass (P)
Phases 1 and 2
Add Policy
Course may be added to schedule 30 days before it starts.
Drop Policy
Course may be dropped from schedule 30 days before it starts.

Academic Years

  Title Year Tags #Sec
MD ID 6530 - Global Medicine 2024/2025 ELECTIVE
MD ID 6530 - Global Medicine 2023/2024 ELECTIVE 1
MD ID 6530 - Global Medicine 2022/2023 ELECTIVEVIRTUAL 1
MD ID 6530 - Global Medicine 2021/2022 ELECTIVEVIRTUAL 1
MD ID 6530 - Global Medicine 2020/2021 ELECTIVE 1
MD ID 6530 - Global Medicine 2019/2020 ELECTIVE 1
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