PED 6870

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Course Details

PED 6870 - Elective in Palliative Care for EPAC
Palliative Care for EPAC Cohort Students consists of a 4-day elective course, conducted in the fall of Phase IV of the medical student curriculum, that provides EPAC cohort students with a comprehensive exposure to the concepts and practice of Palliative Care. Students will learn key concepts essential to the care of critically-ill children and their families. This elective gives students additional interprofessional education by providing opportunities for students to work with social workers, practicing pediatricians, chaplins, nurses and others who care for children and their families. Students will learn how to deliver bad news and use pain medications appropriately. Upon completion of this elective students will receive 1.5 credits and will fulfill requirements for a Certificate in Palliative Care.
Credit Range
1.5 - 1.5
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
Boyington,Ashley CC | ashley.boyington@hsc.utah.eduFALERO,NATASHA CC | tasha.falero@hsc.utah.eduBAKER,TALENA DC |
OConnor,Meghan (DD) |
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Incomplete (I)Pass (P)
EPAC MS4's only
Add Policy

Contact course coordinator for permission to register.

Drop Policy
Course may be dropped from schedule 30 days before it starts.

Academic Years

  Title Year Tags #Sec
PED 6870 - Elective in Palliative Care for EPAC 2020/2021 ELECTIVECLINIC
PED 6870 - Elective in Palliative Care for EPAC 2019/2020 ELECTIVECLINIC
PED 6870 - Elective in Palliative Care for EPAC 2018/2019 ELECTIVECLINIC
PED 6870 - Elective in Palliative Care for EPAC 2017/2018 ELECTIVECLINIC 1
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