MD ID 6363

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Course Details

MD ID 6363 - Community-Engaged Learning: Building Public Health Skills and Cultural Humility
Brief Description:

This course aims to help students develop communication skills and understand the importance of cultural humility through cycles of action and reflection, while providing an important, confidential service to UT communities. Course material will be directed toward acquiring competencies and understanding challenges related to contact tracing for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Educational materials are organized into weekly themes based on essential competencies needed to perform culturally competent contact tracing. Themes include confidentiality, communicating with cultural sensitivity, challenges to contract tracing, barriers to health, social determinants of health, and cultural aftermath. Students will be asked to read assigned articles each week and to reflect on their experiences while volunteering with the Salt Lake County Health Department. For one hour each week, faculty will lead students in a discussion based on students experiences and the weekly readings. At the end of the course, students will be asked to write a reflection personal statement that can be used for ERAS applications.
Medicine, Interdepartmental
Credit Range
1 - 4
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
Lopez,Ivette (DD) | ivette.lopez@utah.eduLindsley,Janet (DD) | janet@biochem.utah.eduDickerson,Ty (DD) |
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Pass (P)
Students must have passed MD ID 7002: Clinical Method Curriculum 2 and MD ID 7500: Year 1 Assessment.
Add Policy

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Drop Policy

Course may be dropped from schedule after the course starts.

Academic Years

  Title Year Tags #Sec
MD ID 6363 - Community-Engaged Learning: Building Public Health Skills and Cultural Humility 2020/2021 ELECTIVEVIRTUAL
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