MD ID 6210

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Course Details

MD ID 6210 - Educational Scholarship as Quality Improvement: A primer for students
Brief Description of Course:

This four-week one credit elective will provide a strong foundation for students in educational scholarship, a foundation upon which they can build throughout their careers as they act on a commitment to continuous quality improvement of their professional practice as clinicians, teachers, mentors, etc. The course balances individual reading and project work with synchronous and asynchronous on-line group collaborations requiring approximately 10 hours per week.

Course Objectives:

As a result of successfully completing the Educational Scholarship as Quality Improvement: A primer for students, students will be able to:

1. Differentiate among different forms of inquiry, including educational research, educational scholarship, action research, course evaluation, and continuous quality improvement

2. Explain how educational scholarship is a process of building 'shared platforms of understanding' within meaningful communities of practice

3. Describe the relationship between conceptual frameworks, guiding questions, data collection methods, and data analysis and the relative importance of each.

4. Prioritize options for disseminating the outcomes of educational scholarship to optimize impact.
Medicine, Interdepartmental
Credit Range
.5 - 2
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
Wonsor,Brittany DC |
Moore,Kathryn (DD) | kmoore@neuro.utah.eduCHOW,CANDACE (DD) | candace.chow@utah.eduRichards,Boyd (DD) | u6010450@utah.eduHurtado,Thomas (DD) |
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Pass (P)
Add Policy

Course may be added to schedule any time before the elective begins.

Drop Policy
Course may be dropped from schedule 30 days before it starts.

Academic Years

  Title Year Tags #Sec
MD ID 6210 - Educational Scholarship as Quality Improvement: A primer for students 2024/2025 RESEARCHELECTIVEVIRTUAL
MD ID 6210 - Educational Scholarship as Quality Improvement: A primer for students 2023/2024 RESEARCHELECTIVEVIRTUAL 3
MD ID 6210 - Educational Scholarship as Quality Improvement: A primer for students 2022/2023 RESEARCHELECTIVEVIRTUAL 2
MD ID 6210 - Educational Scholarship as Quality Improvement: A primer for students 2021/2022 RESEARCHELECTIVEVIRTUAL 1
MD ID 6210 - Educational Scholarship as Quality Improvement: A primer for students 2019/2020 ELECTIVEVIRTUAL 2
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