PBHLT 6531

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Course Details

PBHLT 6531 - International Fieldwork in Public Health
Students enrolled in this course will travel abroad to work on public health projects aimed at improving health. Students will team with local public health workers to establish and assess ongoing public health resources in that region. Preparation for this work will take place the semester prior to traveling.
Public Health
Credit Range
2 - 6
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
WILKINSON,EMILY CC | u6058474@utah.eduNELSON,DALLAS DC | dallas.nelson@utah.edu
Dickerson,Ty (DD) | ty.dickerson@hsc.utah.eduBenson,Lowell (DD) | scott.benson@hsc.utah.edu
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Incomplete (I)Pass (P)
Successful completion of Year 1
Add Policy

Enrollment is placed through the Learning Abroad program, not Student Affairs. After grades are posted for the summer term on main campus records, enrollment and grades are imported to the student's record in Tools by the SOM Registrar to count towards elective credit in the MD program. For questions, email somregistrar@hsc.utah.edu.

Drop Policy

This course follows main campus drop deadlines - http://registrar.utah.edu/handbook/drop.php.

Academic Years

  Title Year Tags #Sec
PBHLT 6531 - International Fieldwork in Public Health 2025/2026 ELECTIVE
PBHLT 6531 - International Fieldwork in Public Health 2024/2025 ELECTIVE
PBHLT 6531 - International Fieldwork in Public Health 2023/2024 ELECTIVE 1
PBHLT 6531 - International Fieldwork in Public Health 2022/2023 ELECTIVE
PBHLT 6531 - International Fieldwork in Public Health 2021/2022 ELECTIVE 1
PBHLT 6531 - International Fieldwork in Public Health 2020/2021 ELECTIVE
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