MD ID 7810

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Course Details

MD ID 7810 - Skills, Community, and Professional Exploration (SCoPE)
SCoPE is a 6-week immersive course which launches first-year medical students into the profession of medicine. The course emphasizes clinical and communication skills, foundational science concepts, professional identity, lifelong learning, and wellness strategies. Students experience a variety of learning methods that will be employed throughout their education, including problem-based learning, high fidelity simulation, team-based learning, standardized patients, task training and clinical immersion with reflective practice. Community is fostered through intensive team-building exercises and learning within student's Doctoring Team and Houses.
Medicine, Interdepartmental
Credit Range
6 - 6
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
Barry,Kristin DC | kristin.barry@hsc.utah.eduVALENCIA-GARCIA,NELSON DC |
Patterson,Paige (DD) | paige.patterson@hsc.utah.eduSmith,Andrew (DD) |
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Incomplete (I)Pass (P)
Add Policy

Course may be added to schedule by the start date.

Drop Policy

Course may be dropped from schedule with director permission.

Academic Years

  Title Year Tags #Sec
MD ID 7810 - Skills, Community, and Professional Exploration (SCoPE) 2025/2026 REQUIREDPHASE_1
MD ID 7810 - Skills, Community, and Professional Exploration (SCoPE) 2024/2025 PHASE_IREQUIREDPHASE_1 1
MD ID 7810 - Skills, Community, and Professional Exploration (SCoPE) 2023/2024 REQUIREDPHASE_1 1
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