FP MD 7815

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Course Details

FP MD 7815 - Health Promotion and Integrative Health Capstone Project
Brief Description of Course

The Health Promotion and Integrative Health Capstone Project Elective will give students an opportunity to spend dedicated time to synthesize their pathway work into a capstone project. Students will choose a mentor for the course prior to approval who will oversee their work. Capstone projects integrate coursework, knowledge, skills, and experiential learning for the purpose of enabling students to demonstrate their synthesis of knowledge in real-world applications. Pathway students are expected to complete a capstone project and present at the end of the MS4 year. This elective is not required to present a capstone project. This course is the 6th and final elective in the Health Promotion Integrative Health Pathway; it provides 1-2 credit hours towards graduation. Each week of the elective will count for 1.0 credits with an expected time commitment of 40 hours per week.

Overview of the capstone project:

Students will be mentored in project selection, implementation, and related scholarly work such as presentations and publication. Suitable projects may focus on: research, clinical programs, and/or educational projects. Students are encouraged to submit their work to a local, regional or national conference. Presentation of Capstone in at least ONE of the following is required: Oral Presentation, Scholarly Publication, and/or Scientific Poster.

Components of poster:

* Educational Project: educational question, background, project plan, data analysis, conclusions

* Research Project: research question, background, project plan/investigation, data analysis, conclusions

* Clinical Project: clinical problem/issue, background, summary of data, proposed project or recommendations

Other materials to be submitted:

* A written description of the student's project including above sections and comments on (a) what they learned from all components of the pathway, (b) how what they learned applies to patient care, particularly for the specialty they hope to go into, and (c) how they intend to keep up with the latest developments in the field going forward

Course Goals

As a result of successfully completing the Capstone Project Elective for Health Promotion and Integrative Health course, students will be able to:

1. Identify personal learning needs related to pathway content.

2. Demonstrate their synthesis of knowledge about a specific topic in Health Promotion Integrative Health in real-world applications

3. Evaluate the strengths and limitations of evidence-based medicine (EBM) as it applies to their topic and its translation into patient care.

4. Exhibit effective communication skills by Explaining their project to an audience using a concise visual project summary
Family and Preventive Medicine
Credit Range
1 - 2
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
PETZOLD,TRICIA CC | tricia.petzold@hsc.utah.eduWILKINSON,EMILY DC | u6058474@utah.edu
SHEIKH,SELIM (CD) | selim.sheikh@hsc.utah.eduLocke,Amy (DD) | amy.locke@hsc.utah.eduPETZOLD,TRICIA (DD) | tricia.petzold@hsc.utah.edu
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Incomplete (I)Pass (P)
Add Policy

Department permission required prior to registration.

Drop Policy

Course may be dropped from schedule 15 days after the course has started.

Academic Years

  Title Year Tags #Sec
FP MD 7815 - Health Promotion and Integrative Health Capstone Project 2025/2026 ELECTIVE
FP MD 7815 - Health Promotion and Integrative Health Capstone Project 2024/2025 ELECTIVE
FP MD 7815 - Health Promotion and Integrative Health Capstone Project 2023/2024 ELECTIVE 1
FP MD 7815 - Health Promotion and Integrative Health Capstone Project 2022/2023 ELECTIVE 1
FP MD 7815 - Health Promotion and Integrative Health Capstone Project 2021/2022 ELECTIVE 1
FP MD 7815 - Health Promotion and Integrative Health Capstone Project 2020/2021 ELECTIVE 1
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