EMER 7500 (2024/2025) 04/14/2025-04/27/2025

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EMER 7500 - Emergency Medicine
The Emergency Medicine course is a 2-week immersive course in which students gain experience in assessment and management of the undifferentiated acutely presenting patient. This experience is essential for students' appreciation of what a referral to the Emergency Department means for patients and how they may ultimately function as consultants or admitting providers assisting in the management of emergently presenting patients. This course is based entirely in an Emergency Department and, when available, students will have an opportunity to choose from an academic, community or rural setting. Students will work alongside one physician during each of their 7 shifts during the two-week rotation. Students will be expected to participate in all aspects of patient care including evaluation, treatment, documentation and emergent procedures.

As a result of successfully completing the Emergency Medicine course, students will have demonstrated the ability to perform each of the following for ambulatory and hospitalized patients presenting with new and follow-up core chief complaints/diagnoses relevant to the course (UPC 1 & 3):
1.Perform a complete and focused history and physical examination for patients in an Emergency Department. (EPA 1)
2.Identify and prioritize the differential diagnosis and recommend a diagnostic approach to commonly presenting signs and symptoms in an Emergency Department. (EPA 2, 3)
3.Interpret diagnostic and imaging tests for diseases commonly encountered in Emergency Medicine. (EPA 3)
4.Demonstrate skills in diagnostic reasoning and clinical problem-solving by forming clinical questions and applying the skills of evidence-based medicine. (EPA 7)
5.Outline management strategies for diseases commonly encountered in an Emergency Department.
6.Write complete and accurate clinical notes, orders and prescriptions. (EPA 4, 5)
7.Provide clear, accurate and succinct oral presentations. (EPA 6)
8.Communicate and relate effectively with patients, families, and the medical team.
9.Collaborate as a member of an interprofessional team and coordinate and transition care with other providers. (EPA 8, 9)
10.Recognize urgencies and emergencies in an Emergency Department setting and initiate appropriate evaluation and management. (EPA 10)
11.Describe the indications, contraindications, risks, benefits, and documentation of procedures commonly performed in an Emergency Department.
12.Recognize the limits of one's knowledge and skills, seeking consultation with more experienced physicians or specialists when indicated.
13.Demonstrate a high level of responsibility, including attendance, reliability, accurate reporting, and personal comportment.
14.Demonstrate a commitment to self-improvement by accepting constructive criticism and modifying behaviors appropriately.
15.Demonstrate professionalism in relationships with patients by: establishing rapport; showing sensitivity to patient needs and perspectives; advocating for patients' medical and non-medical needs; and maintaining confidentiality.
16.Apply principles of social-behavioral sciences to provision of patient care, including assessment of the impact of psychosocial and cultural influences on health, disease, care-seeking, care compliance, and/or barriers to and attitudes toward care.
Academic Year
Start Date
End Date
Permission Required
Section Credits
Min Openings
Max Openings
School Years
Course Classifications
Musuris,Ella DC | ella.musuris@hsc.utah.eduDefilippo,Dan DC | dan.defilippo@hsc.utah.edu
Dorey,Alyrene DD | alyrene.dorey@hsc.utah.edu
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Incomplete (I)Pass (P)

Phases 1 - 3 (MS4's only)

Add Policy
Course may be added to schedule 30 days before it starts.
Drop Policy
Course may be dropped from schedule 30 days before it starts.
No syllabus.
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