MD ID 6551 (2025/2026)

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MD ID 6551 - TRU Communities: Population Health and Health Systems Section 3
Significant health disparities in the United States are a growing concern. To successfully address these challenges will require a multi-faceted approach across all aspects of the health care delivery system, and society more broadly. Developing a comprehensive understanding of tribal, rural, and urban underserved (TRU) population health, health systems, and the challenges with which these communities and systems contend, is vital for all physicians, especially for those who intend to enter TRU primary care.

This Independent Study in Population Health and Health Systems in TRU Communities is a required research and writing course for TRUE Certificate students who have completed MDID 6550 Population Health and Health Systems in TRU Communities. The deliverable for this independent project includes 2 well researched and cited, skillfully structured, and expertly written pieces that address: 1) a TRU population health challenge AND 2) a TRU health system challenge. The knowledge acquired during the 3 Section MDID 6550 course, along with the student-led clinic experience, will equip

students to accomplish this independent study. Students will be encouraged to engage with a mentor in underserved health delivery and meet with them to discuss their 2 writing projects, including sharing journal articles from a literature review to assist in developing the final written product. Deliverables should be researched and written with the aspiration that they would suitable for publishable as a perspective and/or Op-Ed piece in a journal and/or news publication
Medicine, Interdepartmental
Credit Range
.5 - .5
Academic Year
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
Sandweiss,David (DD) |
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Pass (P)
Completion of MD ID 6550 and MD ID 6555
Add Policy
Course may be added to schedule 30 days before it starts.
Drop Policy
Course may be dropped from schedule 30 days before it starts.
No syllabus.

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