OBST 7050 (2025/2026)

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OBST 7050 - Subinternship
This elective is based at the University Hospital or IMC Hospital. The experience in patient evaluation and management approaches the junior resident level (RI) and is primarily involved with the care of inpatients.
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Credit Range
4 - 12
Academic Year
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
St. Vaughan,ABIGAIL (DC) | abigail.st.vaughan@hsc.utah.edu
Shields,Michelanne (DD) | michelanne.shields@hsc.utah.edu
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Honors (H)High Pass (HP)Incomplete (I)Pass (P)
OBST 7010: OB/GYN Clinical Clerkship
Add Policy

Department permission required prior to registration.

Drop Policy

This course requires 30 days' notice to drop registration! Due to scheduling problems, students cannot drop this sub-internship or alter the dates without first consulting with Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

No syllabus.

Available Sections

Title Tags Year Start/End C S W
OBST 7050 - Subinternship ELECTIVECLINIC 2025/2026 06/09/2025 - 07/06/2025 4 1 0
OBST 7050 - Subinternship ELECTIVECLINIC 2025/2026 07/07/2025 - 08/03/2025 4 1 0
OBST 7050 - Subinternship ELECTIVECLINIC 2025/2026 08/04/2025 - 08/31/2025 4 1 0
OBST 7050 - Subinternship ELECTIVECLINIC 2025/2026 09/01/2025 - 09/28/2025 4 1 0
OBST 7050 - Subinternship ELECTIVECLINIC 2025/2026 09/29/2025 - 10/26/2025 4 1 0
OBST 7050 - Subinternship ELECTIVECLINIC 2025/2026 10/27/2025 - 11/23/2025 4 1 0
OBST 7050 - Subinternship ELECTIVECLINIC 2025/2026 11/24/2025 - 12/21/2025 4 1 0
OBST 7050 - Subinternship ELECTIVECLINIC 2025/2026 01/05/2026 - 02/01/2026 4 1 0
OBST 7050 - Subinternship ELECTIVECLINIC 2025/2026 02/02/2026 - 03/01/2026 4 1 0
OBST 7050 - Subinternship ELECTIVECLINIC 2025/2026 03/02/2026 - 03/29/2026 4 1 0
OBST 7050 - Subinternship ELECTIVECLINIC 2025/2026 03/30/2026 - 04/26/2026 4 1 0
OBST 7050 - Subinternship ELECTIVECLINIC 2025/2026 04/27/2026 - 05/24/2026 4 1 0
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