MD ID 6545 (2022/2023)

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MD ID 6545 - Global Health Systems, Policy, Management and Clinical Practice
Brief Description of Course:

All healthcare is delivered within systems. The system might be local, state-level, regional or national. It might be private, public, for-profit or non-profit. Within each system, patients and health providers must navigate the landscape of policy, payers and regulators. At a local level, hospitals and other health facilities have their own subsystems including infrastructure, utilities, staffing, etc., which all require specialized management. Global Healthcare requires understanding these systems-their history, the political context, and some details of their functioning in order to effectively provide sustainable and ethical clinical care.

The course will provide students with a framework for understanding health systems and policies including financing which underpin the provision of clinical care. Case studies will illustrate successes and failures in global health collaborations to highlight these issues and to showcase current approaches to improve care, especially in limited resource settings. Students will learn to evaluate the context in which care is provided from the macro to the micro level, including deconstructing ecosystems within healthcare, --for example, facility-based care such as surgery, networks for diagnostics including labs and radiology, and outpatient-based care and the politics and policies that support them.

Course Objectives
As a result of successfully completing the Global Health Systems, Policy, Management and Clinical Practice course students will be able to:

1. Identify different policies and practices that impact health within and among nations
2. Recognize health the business of healthcare and health promotion trends
3. Recognize the influence of pharmaceuticals and their markets on health and policy
4. Deconstruct at least one ecosystem within health, from policies through practice to the individual patient receiving care.
5. Describe impacts of management strategies and policy designs with regard to health as a global industry, and consider strategies to overcome challenges at national and international levels
Medicine, Interdepartmental
Credit Range
1 - 1
Academic Year
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
WILKINSON,EMILY (CC) | u6058474@utah.eduMonson,Jennifer (DC) | jennifer.monson@hsc.utah.eduDUMAUP,REBEKAH (DC) |
deVries,Catherine (DD) | catherine.devries@hsc.utah.eduNegrette,Juan Carlos (DD) |
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Pass (P)
Add Policy
Course may be added to schedule 30 days before it starts.
Drop Policy
Course may be dropped from schedule 30 days before it starts.
No syllabus.

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