PED 6800 (2021/2022)

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PED 6800 - Education in Pediatrics Across the Continuum: Explore
Education in Pediatrics Across the Continuum (EPAC) EXPLORE, the first component of an elective curriculum that supplies additional exposure to pediatrics, provides students with an overview of the specialty of pediatrics through seminars, simulations, and group discussions. The ultimate goal of EPAC is to identify a cohort of students who are 1) committed to pediatrics as careers; 2) willing to stay at the University of Utah for residency training; and 3) willing to be assessed using competency-based mechanisms, including entrustable professional activities (EPAs).

Session Dates:
TBD - Usually starts the second week in January and goes through the beginning of April

Sessions Include:
Introduction to Pediatrics & EPAC
Pediatric Panel Discussion with Pediatric Generalists & Specialists on why they chose pediatrics
Advocacy - Discussion on the Advocacy opportunities within Pediatrics
Patient & Family Story - Hear & discuss with a patient what it is like to deal with a chronic medical condition
Residency Program Overview - Find out why Utah is such a great place to do your pediatric training
Caring for Children, Caring for their Future - Discussion on healthcare and the future of pediatrics
Acute Care Tour - Tour PCH in the PICU, NICU, ED/RTU, and CICU
Credit Range
1 - 1
Academic Year
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
FALERO,NATASHA (CC) | tasha.falero@hsc.utah.eduBoyington,Ashley (CC) | ashley.boyington@hsc.utah.eduBAKER,TALENA (DC) |
OConnor,Meghan (DD) |
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Incomplete (I)Pass (P)
MS1's only
Add Policy
Course may be added to schedule 30 days before it starts.
Drop Policy

This course can be dropped before the last day of class.

Click here to download syllabus.

Available Sections

Title Tags Year Start/End C S W
PED 6800 - Education in Pediatrics Across the Continuum: Explore ELECTIVE 2021/2022 01/10/2022 - 04/29/2022 1 21 0
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