FP MD 6705 (2025/2026)

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FP MD 6705 - Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Most physicians receive no formal education in occupational medicine but are confronted with several actual or potential diseases annually in their practice. During this elective the student will be able to (1) take a chronological occupational history eliciting physical and chemical exposure hazards and be able to correlate the information with the medical history and physical findings; (2) learn to access and use the available occupational reference materials; (3) describe the pathophysiology of radiographs, and epidemiology of three pneumoconionses: coal worker's pneumoconiosis, silicosis, and asbestosis; and (4) recognize ethical issues in providing health care to industry including women and reproductive hazards. An automobile may be advantageous to potentially gain access to industrial site(s).
Family and Preventive Medicine
Credit Range
2 - 8
Academic Year
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
BAILEY,MARIANNE (CC) | marianne.bailey@utah.edu
Wood,Eric (DD) | eric.wood@hsc.utah.edu
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Incomplete (I)Pass (P)
Phases 1 and 2
Add Policy

Department permission required prior to registration.

Drop Policy
Course may be dropped from schedule 30 days before it starts.
No syllabus.

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