MD ID 7255 (2023/2024)

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MD ID 7255 - Personalized Medicine Capstone
Note: Prior to beginning the Capstone course, students will be expected to have made significant progress on or completed a research project for positive or negative results. The research project may have been assigned as a requirement within other Personalized Medicine coursework (such as the project required by the Genomic Analysis course) or another research experience.

The Personalized Medicine Capstone is intended for MS3 or MS4 students as a way to synthesize and reflect on their prior Personalized Medicine coursework while preparing for residency applications and interviews. The coursework is comprised of a portfolio that includes (1) a written description of the student's research project, (2) a synthesis/reflection paper, and (3) a short oral presentation or "lighting talk" suitable for use in conference and interview settings.

For biomedical graduate students or Personalized Medicine Certificate students who may enroll in this course, the portfolio may be adapted for materials required for future job opportunities or conferences.

The timing of this coursework is meant to complement the timeline already required by the MS3 and MS4 Academic Calendars and ERAS deadlines. ERAS Applications open in June of the MS4 academic calendar, the MS4 Class Meeting on "Letters of Recommendation, Personal Statement, ERAS, CV" is scheduled for late June, the MS4 Class Meeting on "Interviewing, Mock Interviews" is scheduled for September, immediately followed by "ERAS Submissions Opens (Applicants start Applying to Programs)."
Medicine, Interdepartmental
Credit Range
.5 - 2
Academic Year
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
Hawkins,Amy (DD) |
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Pass (P)
Add Policy

Department permission required prior to registration.

Drop Policy

Course may be dropped from schedule 15 days after the course has started.

No syllabus.

Available Sections

Title Tags Year Start/End C S W
MD ID 7255 - Personalized Medicine Capstone ELECTIVEVIRTUAL 2023/2024 08/22/2023 - 04/26/2024 .5 6 0
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