MD ID 7735 (2025/2026)

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MD ID 7735 - Keeping it re(n)al: from physiology to treatment
This Advanced Integrated Science Course is a 4-week bench-to-bedside, deep examination of renal physiology, pathology & pharmacology. This course takes students through nephrology topics to facilitate an understanding of pathophysiology of acute & chronic kidney disease as well as the impact on patients. This course will combine lectures, case, team, & PBL sessions, lab time, journal clubs, & clinical experiences that will give students an in-depth look at what the kidneys do & how that translates to patient care. The 1st week will focus on fluid, electrolyte, & acid base regulation, the 2nd week on acute kidney injury, the 3rd on chronic kidney disease, & the 4th on kidney transplant & end stage renal disease. Each week, will have clinical/lab experiences to reinforce learning.
Medicine, Interdepartmental
Credit Range
4 - 4
Academic Year
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Pass (P)
Add Policy
Course may be added to schedule 30 days before it starts.
Drop Policy
Course may be dropped from schedule 30 days before it starts.
No syllabus.

Available Sections

Title Tags Year Start/End C S W
MD ID 7735 - Keeping it re(n)al: from physiology to treatment 2025/2026 03/30/2026 - 04/26/2026 4 8 0
MD ID 7735 - Keeping it re(n)al: from physiology to treatment 2025/2026 05/04/2026 - 05/31/2026 4 8 0
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