RDLGY 7070 (2024/2025)

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RDLGY 7070 - Radiology Research
A full-time research elective, four or more weeks in duration. The Medical Imaging Research Laboratory (UCAIR) has several ongoing projects regarding X-ray angiography, magnetic resonance (MR) angiography and blood flow analysis, MR diffusion and perfusion imaging, MR mammography, MR spectroscopy, simultaneous emission-transmission cardiac single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), dynamic cardiac SPECT, cone-beam computerized tomography, and computer image analysis. The laboratory is equipped with basic radiology, digital angiography, image-intensifier based CT, and small animal MR imaging and spectroscopy imaging equipment and high-speed computers networked to clinical X-ray CT, digital X-ray, MR, and SPECT imagers. The rotation should be taken under the direction of a UCAIR faculty member after submission of a research topic and protocol. Clinical projects can also be pursued under supervision of clinical radiology faculty members.
Credit Range
2 - 12
Academic Year
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
England,Stacie (CC) | stacie.england@hsc.utah.eduColon,Jessica (DC) | jessica.colon@hsc.utah.edu
Olpin,Jeffrey (DD) | jeffrey.olpin@hsc.utah.edu
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Incomplete (I)Pass (P)
Add Policy

Department permission required prior to registration.

Drop Policy
Course may be dropped from schedule 30 days before it starts.
No syllabus.

Available Sections

Title Tags Year Start/End C S W
RDLGY 7070 - Radiology Research ELECTIVERESEARCH 2024/2025 07/01/2024 - 05/02/2025 2 0 0
RDLGY 7070 - Radiology Research ELECTIVERESEARCH 2024/2025 07/22/2024 - 08/04/2024 2 0 0
RDLGY 7070 - Radiology Research ELECTIVERESEARCH 2024/2025 09/01/2024 - 05/01/2025 6 0 0
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