MD ID 6695 (2025/2026)

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MD ID 6695 - RUUTE Community Engagement Experience (CEE)
The RUUTE Community Engagement Experience (CEE) is an opportunity to apply public health practices and population health science in a community health improvement project. During this course, medical students will travel to a rural and/or underserved location in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, or Montana to complete hands-on learning with providers of different specialties. CEE sites will be pre-determined based on student, preceptor, and housing availability. Students will also participate in volunteer opportunities within the community. Additionally, they will be required to gather community specific data (community assets, demographics, epidemiology) and complete community interviews to identify a pressing health concern in their community. Through the knowledge learned from these experiences, medical students will create and disseminate a community deliverable/intervention that addresses the public health concern they identified. At the completion of the experience, they will develop a poster presentation that reflects their community data and intervention that will be presented later in the fall during a research symposium.

Various assignments will be completed (described below) to draw deeper into the students' experience as a health professional in rural and/or underserved communities and to help them develop their community deliverable/intervention. Community deliverable topics will come out of a community assessment and may focus on any number of public health topics, including: physical health (e.g. diabetes), behavioral health (e.g. substance use disorders), social determinants of health (e.g. income level), and emerging issues (vaccination resistance). 1

Summary of Course Components:
2.Complete hands-on clinical learning (ensure enrollment in MDID 6580 RUUTE Community Preceptorship or TRUE Tribal Elective
3.Volunteer in the community
4.Investigate and create a community deliverable, which the student will implement/propose to the community
5.Once the CEE experience is completed, the student will reflect on their experience and create a poster presentation to summarize their intervention in the community
Medicine, Interdepartmental
Credit Range
3 - 3
Academic Year
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Pass (P)
Add Policy
Course may be added to schedule 30 days before it starts.
Drop Policy
Course may be dropped from schedule 30 days before it starts.
No syllabus.

Available Sections

Title Tags Year Start/End C S W
MD ID 6695 - RUUTE Community Engagement Experience (CEE) 2025/2026 02/16/2026 - 03/01/2026 2 6 0
MD ID 6695 - RUUTE Community Engagement Experience (CEE) 2025/2026 03/16/2026 - 03/29/2026 2 6 0
MD ID 6695 - RUUTE Community Engagement Experience (CEE) 2025/2026 04/13/2026 - 04/26/2026 2 6 0
MD ID 6695 - RUUTE Community Engagement Experience (CEE) 2025/2026 05/18/2026 - 05/31/2026 2 6 0
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