PED 6230 (2020/2021)

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PED 6230 - Writing as Self Discovery: Using Literature to Prompt Reflection and Personal Insight
Course Description

Writing as Discovery offers students a path toward obtaining elective credit through participation in a variety of sponsored reflection/writing sessions of their choosing*. These sessions, offered throughout the academic year by a variety of sponsoring individuals/organizations, all promote reflection and self-discovery through written expression. For example, Dr Richards, the course director, will sponsor reoccurring sessions using Narrative Medicine methods as espoused by Rita Charon, MD, PhD, founder of Narrative Medicine. When using this method, participants read deeply a selected work of art (short story, poem, picture, movie clip), share reactions and insights to the work of art, write for less than 5 minutes to a given prompt, and are then given the option to share their writings with other participants for comment. The Writing as Discovery Canvas Site contains the calendar of upcoming sponsored sessions.

This course is designed with a flexible structure to accommodate variations in students' schedules and needs as they progress through their training. Students, residents, staff, and faculty are invited to participate in sponsored sessions whether or not they seek credit. Students seeking credit will meet with the course instructor at the time of registration to formulate an individualized plan for completing the course, aligned with students' schedule and interests.

*To receive 0.5 hours of credit, students must submit a portfolio containing the following items:
1. Documentation of minimum of 20 hours of time attending sponsored sessions or in completing written reflections, including a required signature reflection (see below)
2. Signature reflection which is at least 2 type-written pages and which represents a final reflection based directly on prior reflections/writings in the portfolio

Course Objectives

As a result of successfully completing the "Writing as Self Discovery Elective Course," students will be able to:

1. Engage comfortably in deep observation of works of art--including poems, short stories, pictures, movie clips--and compare personal perspectives about the observations other participants
2. Gain insight about themselves and each other as physicians-in-the-making by writing and sharing personal reflections in the shadow of previously encountered works of art.
3. Appreciate the role of personal values, goals, and experience as a foundation for career development and resilience.
Credit Range
.5 - .5
Academic Year
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
Richards,Boyd (CC) | u6010450@utah.eduMalm,Sierra (DC) | sierra.malm@hsc.utah.eduHAFFEY,HAILEY (DC) |
Richards,Boyd (DD) |
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Pass (P)
Add Policy

Course may be added to schedule by the first day of class.

Drop Policy
Course may be dropped from schedule 30 days before it starts.
No syllabus.

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