FP MD 7813 (2024/2025)

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FP MD 7813 - HPIH Health Behavior Change in Patients and Communities
Health Promotion and Integrative Health 4 will look further into how to apply the principles covered in the first three semesters of the Health Promotion and Integrative Health Pathway to patients. Sessions will focus on helping patients make the lifestyle changes discussed in other semesters. Programmatic and one on one approaches will be covered including appreciative inquiry and motivational interviewing. Student driven content will comprise the remaining sessions. Students will present on topics of interest from the pathway and review their capstone and elective plan for the MS3 and MS4 years as they begin to synthesize material to develop a deeper understanding. *WILL NOT BE OFFERED AY2425*
Family and Preventive Medicine
Credit Range
.5 - .5
Academic Year
Permission Required
School Years
Course Classifications
WILKINSON,EMILY (CC) | u6058474@utah.edu
PETZOLD,TRICIA (DD) | tricia.petzold@hsc.utah.eduSHEIKH,SELIM (DD) | selim.sheikh@hsc.utah.edu
Possible Grade(s)
Fail (F)Incomplete (I)Pass (P)
FP MD 7812: Health Promotion and Integrative Health Pathway 3
Add Policy

Course may be added to schedule by the start date.

Drop Policy

Course may be dropped 15 days after the start date.

No syllabus.

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