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Available Courses

  Title Department Tags Years S P
BIO C 7210 - Editing Medical Topics in Wikipedia Biochemistry ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
BIO C 7910 - Research in Biochemistry Biochemistry ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 2
BMI 7050 - Research in Biomedical Informatics Biomedical Informatics ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
DERM 7900 - Research Problems in Dermatology Dermatology ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
EMER 7640 - Research Problems in Emergency Medicine Emergency Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 2
FP MD 7540 - Culinary Medicine Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 2
FP MD 7810 - HPIH Foundations of Health Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVE MS1 1
FP MD 7811 - HPIH Principles of Integrative Medicine Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVE MS1 1
H GEN 6961 - Independent Study - MD Human Genetics ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
INTMD 6000 - Endocrinology Longitudinal Experience Internal Medicine CLINICELECTIVE MS1MS2 2
INTMD 7820 - Research Problems in Nephrology Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
INTMD 7830 - Research Problems in Gastroenterology Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
INTMD 7850 - Research Problems in Cardiology Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 2
INTMD 7892 - Research Problems in Medical Humanities Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 4
INTMD 7950 - Research in Geriatrics Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6001 - Research & Innovation Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_IIELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
MD ID 6002 - Virtual Care: Telemedicine for Future Providers Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVEVIRTUAL MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
MD ID 6004 - Sustainability, Medicine, & Health Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
MD ID 6210 - Educational Scholarship as Quality Improvement: A primer for students Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVEVIRTUALRESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 6500 - Introduction to Global Health Principles Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1 1
MD ID 6510 - Preparation for Global Health Service & Learning Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2 1
MD ID 6545 - Global Health Systems, Policy, Management and Clinical Practice Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6550 - Introduction to Tribal, Rural, and Underserved (TRU) Population Health Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1 2
MD ID 6551 - TRU Communities: Population Health and Health Systems Section 3 Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1 1
MD ID 6555 - Tribal, Rural, and Underserved (TRU) Health Care Systems, Delivery, and Resources Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1 1
MD ID 6560 - Tribal, Rural, and Underserved Medical Education Summer Rural Immersion Trip Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2
MD ID 6570 - Political Asylum Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
MD ID 6660 - Improving Indigenous Health Care Delivery Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
MD ID 6670 - Issues in Health Care of Frontier and Rural Populations Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
MD ID 7000 - Community Engagement Primer: Essentials of Cultural Humility Skills for Community Engagement Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2 1
MD ID 7110 - Layers of Medicine: Digging Deeper Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 7205 - Phase 1 Intersession Workshops Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1 11
MD ID 7215 - Getting Your Ed in the Game: Special Support of the Student-led Clinics Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 16
MD ID 7221 - Students as Teachers Pathway I Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1 1
MD ID 7222 - Students as Teachers Pathway II Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1 1
MD ID 7230 - Spanish for Healthcare Professionals Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 2
MD ID 7250 - Foundations in Personalized Health Care Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1 1
MD ID 7251 - Genetics & Medicine - Ethical, Legal, Social Issues Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1 1
MD ID 7254 - Foundations of Bioinformatics Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
MD ID 7425 - Intergenerational Intersession Medicine, Interdepartmental REQUIREDPHASE_1 MS1 1
MD ID 7810 - Skills, Community, and Professional Exploration (SCoPE) Medicine, Interdepartmental REQUIREDPHASE_1 MS1 1
MD ID 7811 - Essentials 1.1 Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_IREQUIREDPHASE_1 MS1 1
MD ID 7812 - Essentials 1.2 Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_1PHASE_IREQUIRED MS1 1
MD ID 7813 - Essentials 1.3 Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_1PHASE_IREQUIRED MS1 1
MD ID 7821 - Doctoring 1.1 Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_IPHASE_1REQUIRED MS1 1
MD ID 7822 - Doctoring 1.2 Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_1PHASE_IREQUIRED MS1 1
MD ID 7823 - Doctoring 1.3 Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_1PHASE_IREQUIRED MS1 1
NEURO 7950 - Neurology Research Elective Neurology ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
NSURG 7400 - Neurosurgical Research Elective Neurosurgery ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 4
OPHTH 7590 - Preceptorship in Ophthalmology: Research Ophthalmology ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 13
ORTHO 7460 - Orthopaedic Surgery Research Orthopedic Surgery ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 9
PBHLT 5521 - Public Health and Surgery Public Health ELECTIVE MS1MS2
PED 6230 - Writing as Self Discovery: Using Literature to Prompt Reflection and Personal Insight Pediatrics ELECTIVEVIRTUAL MS1MS2MS3MS4
PED 6800 - Education in Pediatrics Across the Continuum: Explore Pediatrics ELECTIVE MS1
PH MD 7940 - Research in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 2
PHS 6710 - Introduction to Population Health 1 Population Health Sciences ELECTIVE MS1 1
PHS 6715 - Introduction to Population Health 2 Population Health Sciences ELECTIVE MS1 1
PHS 7800 - Research in Population Health Sciences - HSIR Population Health Sciences ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 2
RDLGY 7070 - Radiology Research Radiology ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 6
SURG 7101 - Foundations in Value Driven Healthcare Surgery ELECTIVE MS1 1
SURG 7102 - Strategies for Healthcare Improvement Surgery ELECTIVE MS1 2
SURG 7370 - Research Preceptorship in Otolaryngology Surgery ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 5
SURG 7710 - Introduction to Vascular Surgery Research Surgery ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
SURG 7810 - The Healer's Art Surgery ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
UUHSC 6201 - Foundations of IPE Health Science Education IPE MS1
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