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Use this screen to browse through the School of Medicine Course years, based off of student status. From here, you can select available academic years and see the catalog of past, current and future years. Click on the year buttons to switch from one year to another. Click status buttons to change student status. New academic years will become available at the end of each yearly cycle.

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Available Courses

  Title Department Tags Years S P
ANES 7065 - MS4 Transthoracic Ultrasound Department of Anesthesiology MS1MS2MS3MS4
BIO C 7910 - Research in Biochemistry Biochemistry ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
BMI 7050 - Research in Biomedical Informatics Biomedical Informatics ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
DERM 7900 - Research Problems in Dermatology Dermatology ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
EMER 7640 - Research Problems in Emergency Medicine Emergency Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
FP MD 7225 - Tribal Primary Care Clinical Preceptorship Family and Preventive Medicine MS1MS2MS3MS4
FP MD 7540 - Culinary Medicine Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 2
FP MD 7600 - Population Health Management Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVE MS2MS3MS4
FP MD 7780 - Developmental Disabilities Family and Preventive Medicine MS1MS2MS3MS4
FP MD 7812 - HPIH Resilience in Healthcare Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVE MS2
FP MD 7813 - HPIH Health Behavior Change in Patients and Communities Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVE MS2
FP MD 7814 - Clinical Applications of Health Promotion and Integrative Health Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVE MS2MS3
H GEN 6961 - Independent Study - MD Human Genetics ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
INTMD 6000 - Endocrinology Longitudinal Experience Internal Medicine CLINICELECTIVE MS1MS2
INTMD 7750 - Internal Medicine Consult Internal Medicine MS1MS2MS3MS4
INTMD 7820 - Research Problems in Nephrology Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
INTMD 7830 - Research Problems in Gastroenterology Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
INTMD 7850 - Research Problems in Cardiology Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
INTMD 7892 - Research Problems in Medical Humanities Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
INTMD 7950 - Research in Geriatrics Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
INTMD 7984 - Wilderness Medicine in the Alps Internal Medicine ELECTIVE MS2MS3MS4 1
MD ID 6000 - Creative and Critical Thinking Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS2
MD ID 6001 - Research & Innovation Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
MD ID 6002 - Virtual Care: Telemedicine for Future Providers Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVEVIRTUAL MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6004 - Sustainability, Medicine, & Health Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
MD ID 6100 - Introduction to Design and Implementation of Case Based Learning Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS2
MD ID 6170 - Global Health Innovation Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6175 - Medical Device Innovation Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6180 - Global Health Innovation: Systems and Processes Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6190 - Clinical Problem-Solving for Medical Technology Innovations Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6195 - The Entrepreneurship for Medical Technology Innovations Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6210 - Educational Scholarship as Quality Improvement: A primer for students Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVEVIRTUALRESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6510 - Preparation for Global Health Service & Learning Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2
MD ID 6515 - Maternal & Newborn Survival: Theory to Practice Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6520 - Global Health Scholarship Elective Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVERESEARCH MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6545 - Global Health Systems, Policy, Management and Clinical Practice Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6560 - Tribal, Rural, and Underserved Medical Education Summer Rural Immersion Trip Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2
MD ID 6565 - Tribal Primary Care Clinical Preceptorship Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6570 - Political Asylum Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6580 - RUUTE Community Preceptorship Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 11
MD ID 6640 - Health Disparities and Public Health Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS2
MD ID 6650 - Applied Community Health and Leadership in Tribal, Rural, and Underserved (TRU) Settings Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVEVIRTUAL MS2
MD ID 6655 - Leadership in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Rural Communities Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVEVIRTUAL MS2
MD ID 6660 - Improving Indigenous Health Care Delivery Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6670 - Issues in Health Care of Frontier and Rural Populations Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6690 - RUUTE Community Engagement Experience (CEE) Medicine, Interdepartmental CLINICELECTIVE MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6695 - RUUTE Community Engagement Experience (CEE) Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 4
MD ID 6900 - Addressing Racial Inequities through Interprofessional Experiential Learning Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 7000 - Community Engagement Primer: Essentials of Cultural Humility Skills for Community Engagement Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2
MD ID 7003 - Clinical Method Curriculum 3 Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_IIREQUIRED MS2
MD ID 7004 - Clinical Method Curriculum 4 Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_IIREQUIRED MS2
MD ID 7103 - Layers of Medicine 3 Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_IIREQUIRED MS2
MD ID 7104 - Layers of Medicine 4 Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_IIREQUIRED MS2
MD ID 7110 - Layers of Medicine: Digging Deeper Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 7215 - Getting Your Ed in the Game: Special Support of the Student-led Clinics Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 7220 - Medical Students as Teachers Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 7223 - Students as Teachers Pathway 3 Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS2
MD ID 7224 - Students as Teachers Pathway 4 Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS2
MD ID 7240 - Medical School Admissions Experience Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7253 - Genomic Analysis I Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS2
MD ID 7254 - Foundations of Bioinformatics Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 7340 - Phase 2: Brain and Behavior Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_IIREQUIRED MS2
MD ID 7415 - Phase 2 LIC Academic Integration Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_2 MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 7425 - Intergenerational Intersession Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2
MD ID 7430 - Phase 2 (Legacy Phase 3) Intersession Medicine, Interdepartmental REQUIREDPHASE_III MS2MS3
MD ID 7450 - LIC - Family Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_2 MS2
MD ID 7451 - LIC - Internal Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_2 MS2
MD ID 7452 - LIC - Neurology Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_2 MS2
MD ID 7453 - LIC - Obstetrics and Gynecology Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_2 MS2
MD ID 7454 - LIC - Pediatrics Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_2 MS2
MD ID 7455 - LIC - Psychiatry Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_2 MS2
MD ID 7456 - LIC - Surgery Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_2 MS2
MD ID 7800 - Manual Medicine Elective Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MDCRC 6141 - Experiences in Personalized Medicine I Clinical Research Center ELECTIVE MS2
MDCRC 6142 - Experiences in Personalized Medicine II Clinical Research Center ELECTIVE MS2
NEURO 7950 - Neurology Research Elective Neurology ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
NSURG 7400 - Neurosurgical Research Elective Neurosurgery ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
OPHTH 7590 - Preceptorship in Ophthalmology: Research Ophthalmology ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
ORTHO 7460 - Orthopaedic Surgery Research Orthopedic Surgery ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
PATH 7215 - LIC - Pathology Pathology PHASE_2 MS1MS2MS3MS4
PBHLT 5521 - Public Health and Surgery Public Health ELECTIVE MS1MS2
PBHLT 6531 - International Fieldwork in Public Health Public Health ELECTIVE MS2
PED 6230 - Writing as Self Discovery: Using Literature to Prompt Reflection and Personal Insight Pediatrics ELECTIVEVIRTUAL MS1MS2MS3MS4
PH MD 7940 - Research in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
PHS 6720 - Introduction to Population Health Pathway 3 Population Health Sciences ELECTIVE MS2
PHS 6725 - Population Health Pathway 4 Population Health Sciences ELECTIVE MS2
PHS 7800 - Research in Population Health Sciences - HSIR Population Health Sciences ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
PSYCT 7475 - Sub Internship- Idaho Rural Track Adult Outpatient Psychiatry Psychiatry MS1MS2MS3MS4
RDLGY 7070 - Radiology Research Radiology ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
SURG 6170 - Introduction to Global Health and Innovation Surgery MS1MS2MS3MS4
SURG 7370 - Research Preceptorship in Otolaryngology Surgery ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
SURG 7710 - Introduction to Vascular Surgery Research Surgery ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
SURG 7801 - Leadership in Healthcare Surgery ELECTIVE MS2
SURG 7802 - Transitions of Care: Surgical Care Navigator Program Surgery ELECTIVE MS2MS3
SURG 7810 - The Healer's Art Surgery ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
SURG 7815 - Advanced Surgery Surgery MS1MS2MS3MS4 7
UUHSC 6301 - IPE Telemedicine/Telehealth Health Science Education IPE MS2
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