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Use this screen to browse through the School of Medicine Course years, based off of student status. From here, you can select available academic years and see the catalog of past, current and future years. Click on the year buttons to switch from one year to another. Click status buttons to change student status. New academic years will become available at the end of each yearly cycle.

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Available Courses

  Title Department Tags Years S P
ANAT 6920 - Graduate Instruction: Laboratory Rotation Neorobiology and Anatomy ELECTIVERESEARCH MS3MS4
ANAT 6921 - Special Dissections in Gross Anatomy-MD Student Neorobiology and Anatomy ELECTIVE MS3MS4
ANES 7040 - Anesthesiology Clinical Clerkship Department of Anesthesiology ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 19
ANES 7065 - MS4 Transthoracic Ultrasound Department of Anesthesiology MS1MS2MS3MS4
ANES 7930 - Special Research Problems & Quality Improvement Department of Anesthesiology ELECTIVERESEARCH MS3MS4 1
BIO C 7210 - Editing Medical Topics in Wikipedia Biochemistry ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
BIO C 7910 - Research in Biochemistry Biochemistry ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
BMI 7050 - Research in Biomedical Informatics Biomedical Informatics ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
DERM 7400 - Introduction to Dermatology Dermatology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 20
DERM 7690 - Dermatology Clinical Clerkship Dermatology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 18
DERM 7900 - Research Problems in Dermatology Dermatology ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
EMER 7640 - Research Problems in Emergency Medicine Emergency Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
FP MD 6705 - Occupational and Environmental Medicine Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4
FP MD 7180 - Family Medicine Clerkship Family and Preventive Medicine PHASE_IIIREQUIREDCLERKSHIP MS3 8
FP MD 7200 - Family Medicine Preceptorship Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 31
FP MD 7225 - Tribal Primary Care Clinical Preceptorship Family and Preventive Medicine MS1MS2MS3MS4 2
FP MD 7400 - Family Medicine Special Projects Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVE MS3MS4 1
FP MD 7510 - Care of Refugees Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 12
FP MD 7520 - Family Medicine Integrative Health Elective Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 24
FP MD 7540 - Culinary Medicine Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 2
FP MD 7600 - Population Health Management Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVE MS2MS3MS4 1
FP MD 7780 - Developmental Disabilities Family and Preventive Medicine MS1MS2MS3MS4
FP MD 7814 - Clinical Applications of Health Promotion and Integrative Health Family and Preventive Medicine ELECTIVE MS3 3
H GEN 6961 - Independent Study - MD Human Genetics ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
INTMD 7036 - Palliative Care Elective Internal Medicine CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 12
INTMD 7200 - Internal Medicine Clerkship Internal Medicine REQUIREDPHASE_IIICLERKSHIP MS3 6
INTMD 7400 - Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Internal Medicine ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4
INTMD 7590 - Clinical and Laboratory Hemostasis Internal Medicine CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 22
INTMD 7600 - Hematology/Oncology Clinical Clerkship Internal Medicine CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 20
INTMD 7610 - Endocrinology Clinical Clerkship Internal Medicine ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 23
INTMD 7620 - Cardiology Clinical Clerkship Internal Medicine ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 13
INTMD 7630 - Gastroenterology Clinical Clerkship Internal Medicine ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 17
INTMD 7650 - Infectious Disease Clinical Clerkship Internal Medicine CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 20
INTMD 7670 - Nephrology Clinical Clerkship Internal Medicine CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 20
INTMD 7690 - Pulmonary Vascular Disease Internal Medicine ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4
INTMD 7780 - Internal Medicine in the Community Internal Medicine ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 3
INTMD 7800 - Research Problems in Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine RESEARCHELECTIVE MS3MS4 1
INTMD 7810 - Research Problems in Endocrinology Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS3MS4
INTMD 7820 - Research Problems in Nephrology Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
INTMD 7830 - Research Problems in Gastroenterology Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
INTMD 7840 - Research Problems in Pulmonary Disease Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS3MS4
INTMD 7850 - Research Problems in Cardiology Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
INTMD 7892 - Research Problems in Medical Humanities Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
INTMD 7950 - Research in Geriatrics Internal Medicine ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
INTMD 7981 - Wilderness Medicine - Search and Rescue Internal Medicine ELECTIVE MS3MS4 1
INTMD 7982 - Wilderness Medicine - Backpacking Learning Experience Internal Medicine ELECTIVE MS3MS4 12
INTMD 7983 - Wilderness Medicine - Advanced Wilderness Life Support Internal Medicine ELECTIVE MS3MS4 12
INTMD 7984 - Wilderness Medicine in the Alps Internal Medicine ELECTIVE MS2MS3MS4 1
INTMD 7992 - The Doctor-Patient Relationship in Literature & the Arts: Writing Internal Medicine ELECTIVE MS3MS4
INTMD 7994 - The Doctor-Patient Relationship in Literature & the Arts: Medicine in Art Internal Medicine ELECTIVE MS3MS4 1
MD ID 0004 - 2 Weeks of Elective Medicine, Interdepartmental MS3 23
MD ID 6001 - Research & Innovation Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
MD ID 6002 - Virtual Care: Telemedicine for Future Providers Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVEVIRTUAL MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6003 - Caring for the Underserved: Rural and Refugee Health in Utah Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVEVIRTUAL MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6004 - Sustainability, Medicine, & Health Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
MD ID 6170 - Global Health Innovation Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6175 - Medical Device Innovation Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6180 - Global Health Innovation: Systems and Processes Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6190 - Clinical Problem-Solving for Medical Technology Innovations Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6195 - The Entrepreneurship for Medical Technology Innovations Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6210 - Educational Scholarship as Quality Improvement: A primer for students Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVEVIRTUALRESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6515 - Maternal & Newborn Survival: Theory to Practice Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS2MS3MS4 2
MD ID 6520 - Global Health Scholarship Elective Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVERESEARCH MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6540 - Global Health Elective Medicine, Interdepartmental CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 12
MD ID 6545 - Global Health Systems, Policy, Management and Clinical Practice Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6565 - Tribal Primary Care Clinical Preceptorship Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 2
MD ID 6570 - Political Asylum Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6660 - Improving Indigenous Health Care Delivery Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6670 - Issues in Health Care of Frontier and Rural Populations Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6690 - RUUTE Community Engagement Experience (CEE) Medicine, Interdepartmental CLINICELECTIVE MS2MS3MS4 2
MD ID 6695 - RUUTE Community Engagement Experience (CEE) Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 6900 - Addressing Racial Inequities through Interprofessional Experiential Learning Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 7110 - Layers of Medicine: Digging Deeper Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 7200 - Independent Study Medicine, Interdepartmental MS3
MD ID 7215 - Getting Your Ed in the Game: Special Support of the Student-led Clinics Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7220 - Medical Students as Teachers Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS2MS3MS4 5
MD ID 7225 - Students as Teachers Pathway 5 Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS3 1
MD ID 7254 - Foundations of Bioinformatics Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4
MD ID 7255 - Personalized Medicine Capstone Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVEVIRTUAL MS3MS4 1
MD ID 7260 - Transgender Health Medicine, Interdepartmental CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 1
MD ID 7415 - Phase 2 LIC Academic Integration Medicine, Interdepartmental REQUIREDPHASE_2 MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7430 - Phase 3 Intersession Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_2REQUIREDPHASE_III MS3 4
MD ID 7441 - Inquiry LIC - Internal Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7442 - Inquiry LIC - Neurology Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7443 - Inquiry LIC - Obstetrics and Gynecology Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7444 - Inquiry LIC - Pediatrics Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7445 - Inquiry LIC - Psychiatry Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7446 - Inquiry LIC - Surgery Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7460 - Population Health LIC - Family Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7461 - Population Health LIC - Internal Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7462 - Population Health LIC - Neurology Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7463 - Population Health LIC - Obstetrics and Gynecology Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7464 - Population Health LIC - Pediatrics Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7465 - Population Health LIC - Psychiatry Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7466 - Population Health LIC - Surgery Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7470 - Value Based Care LIC - Family Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7471 - Value Based Care LIC - Internal Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7472 - Value Based Care LIC - Neurology Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7473 - Value Based Care LIC - Obstetrics and Gynecology Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7474 - Value Based Care LIC - Pediatrics Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7475 - Value Based Care LIC - Psychiatry Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7476 - Value Based Care LIC - Surgery Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7480 - Rural Underserved LIC - Family Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7481 - Rural Underserved LIC - Internal Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7482 - Rural Underserved LIC - Neurology Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7483 - Rural Underserved LIC - Obstetrics and Gynecology Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7484 - Rural Underserved LIC - Pediatrics Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7485 - Rural Underserved LIC - Psychiatry Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7486 - Rural Underserved LIC - Surgery Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7490 - Pediatrics LIC - Family Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7491 - Pediatrics LIC - Internal Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7492 - Pediatrics LIC - Neurology Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7493 - Pediatrics LIC - Obstetrics and Gynecology Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7494 - Pediatrics LIC - Pediatrics Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7495 - Pediatrics LIC - Psychiatry Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7496 - Pediatrics LIC - Surgery Medicine, Interdepartmental MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
MD ID 7580 - Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship - Family Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental CLERKSHIPPHASE_IIIREQUIRED MS3 2
MD ID 7581 - Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship - Internal Medicine Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_IIICLERKSHIPREQUIRED MS3 2
MD ID 7582 - Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship - Obstetrics and Gynecology Medicine, Interdepartmental REQUIREDCLERKSHIPPHASE_III MS3 2
MD ID 7583 - Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship - Pediatrics Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_IIIREQUIREDCLERKSHIP MS3 2
MD ID 7584 - Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship - Psychiatry Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_IIIREQUIREDCLERKSHIP MS3 2
MD ID 7585 - Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship - Surgery Medicine, Interdepartmental PHASE_IIIREQUIREDCLERKSHIP MS3 2
MD ID 7586 - Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship - Neurology Medicine, Interdepartmental CLERKSHIPREQUIREDPHASE_III MS3 2
MD ID 7700 - Advanced Integrated Science Course, Cancer: Biology and Lived Experience Medicine, Interdepartmental CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 1
MD ID 7705 - Advanced Integrated Science Course, Beyond BMI: a multidisciplinary approach to obesity Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 1
MD ID 7710 - Advanced Integrated Science Course, Medical Gross Anatomy: Dissection, Surgery, and Imaging Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 1
MD ID 7800 - Introduction to Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) Medicine, Interdepartmental ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
NEURO 7900 - Neurology Clerkship Neurology PHASE_IIIREQUIREDCLERKSHIP MS3 13
NEURO 7920 - Adult Neurology Elective Neurology ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 7
NEURO 7930 - Pediatric Neurology Elective Neurology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 4
NEURO 7950 - Neurology Research Elective Neurology ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
NEURO 7960 - Adult Neurology Sub-Internship Neurology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 3
NSURG 7375 - Introduction to Clinical Neurosurgery Neurosurgery CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 25
NSURG 7380 - Neurosurgical Traineeship Neurosurgery CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 15
NSURG 7400 - Neurosurgical Research Elective Neurosurgery ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 2
OBST 7010 - Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship Obstetrics & Gynecology REQUIREDPHASE_IIICLERKSHIP MS3 8
OBST 7030 - Perinatal Medicine Obstetrics & Gynecology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 5
OBST 7040 - Sub-internship in Gynecologic Oncology Obstetrics & Gynecology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 4
OBST 7050 - Subinternship Obstetrics & Gynecology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 1
OBST 7060 - Preceptorship Obstetrics & Gynecology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 6
OBST 7080 - Independent Study Obstetrics & Gynecology ELECTIVERESEARCH MS3MS4 1
OBST 7110 - Women's Health Elective Obstetrics & Gynecology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 1
OBST 7120 - Elective in Family Planning Obstetrics & Gynecology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 6
ONCSC 6860 - Research for Medical Students Oncological Sciences ELECTIVERESEARCH MS3MS4
OPHTH 7590 - Preceptorship in Ophthalmology: Research Ophthalmology ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 10
OPHTH 7595 - Introduction to Clinical Ophthalmology Ophthalmology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 24
ORTHO 7435 - Introduction to Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery for MS3 Orthopedic Surgery ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 19
ORTHO 7440 - MS4 Orthopaedic Surgery Sub-Internship Orthopedic Surgery CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 8
ORTHO 7450 - Preceptorship in Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Orthopedic Surgery ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 1
ORTHO 7460 - Orthopaedic Surgery Research Orthopedic Surgery ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 5
PATH 6070 - Medical Student Research Pathology ELECTIVERESEARCH MS3MS4 1
PATH 7020 - Clinical Pathology Pathology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 12
PATH 7050 - Anatomic Pathology Pathology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 9
PATH 7060 - Pediatric Pathology Pathology ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 5
PATH 7090 - Neuropathology Pathology ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 4
PATH 7120 - Forensic Pathology Pathology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 27
PATH 7215 - LIC - Pathology Pathology REQUIREDPHASE_2 MS1MS2MS3MS4 4
PBHLT 6951 - Readings in Public Health - MD Students Public Health ELECTIVE MS3MS4
PBHLT 6955 - Independent Study in Public Health - MD Students Public Health ELECTIVE MS3MS4
PED 6230 - Writing as Self Discovery: Using Literature to Prompt Reflection and Personal Insight Pediatrics ELECTIVEVIRTUAL MS1MS2MS3MS4
PED 7010 - Pediatrics Clerkship Pediatrics PHASE_IIIREQUIREDCLERKSHIP MS3 8
PED 7050 - Preceptorship Pediatrics CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 4
PED 7060 - Genetics & Metabolics Clinical Rotation Pediatrics ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 3
PED 7080 - Pediatric Endocrinology Pediatrics CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 2
PED 7140 - Pediatric Cardiology Pediatrics CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 4
PED 7160 - Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Pediatrics CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 1
PED 7180 - Child Abuse & Neglect Pediatrics CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 1
PED 7225 - Pediatric Cadiology Camp - Camp Hawkins Pediatrics CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 1
PED 7270 - Pediatric Research Pediatrics ELECTIVERESEARCH MS3MS4 3
PED 7325 - The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Point-of-Care Ultrasound Pediatrics ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 2
PH MD 7910 - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 36
PH MD 7940 - Research in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4
PHS 6730 - Population Health Pathway 5 Population Health Sciences ELECTIVE MS2MS3 2
PHS 7800 - Research in Population Health Sciences - HSIR Population Health Sciences ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 5
PSYCT 7200 - Psychiatry Clerkship Psychiatry PHASE_IIIREQUIREDCLERKSHIP MS3 8
PSYCT 7460 - Child Psychiatry Elective Psychiatry ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 3
PSYCT 7530 - Triple Board Elective Psychiatry CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 3
PSYCT 7960 - Psychiatry Research Psychiatry ELECTIVERESEARCH MS3MS4 1
RDLGY 7050 - Introduction to Diagnostic Radiology Radiology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 3
RDLGY 7060 - Diagnostic Radiology Radiology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 2
RDLGY 7061 - Body Imaging Elective Radiology ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 17
RDLGY 7062 - Interventional Radiology Elective Radiology ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 11
RDLGY 7063 - Musculoskeletal Radiology Radiology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 6
RDLGY 7064 - Neuroradiology Elective Radiology ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 14
RDLGY 7066 - Women's Imaging Elective Radiology ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 10
RDLGY 7067 - Pediatric Radiology Radiology ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 1
RDLGY 7070 - Radiology Research Radiology ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 3
RDLGY 7800 - Interventional Radiology Sub-Internship Radiology CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 4
RDONC 7010 - Clinical Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 22
SURG 6170 - Introduction to Global Health and Innovation Surgery MS1MS2MS3MS4
SURG 7020 - Surgery Clerkship Surgery PHASE_IIIREQUIREDCLERKSHIP MS3 6
SURG 7280 - Research in Surgery Surgery ELECTIVERESEARCH MS3MS4 3
SURG 7335 - Introduction to Clinical Otolaryngology Surgery ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 24
SURG 7370 - Research Preceptorship in Otolaryngology Surgery ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 4
SURG 7495 - Introduction to Clinical Urology Surgery ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 2
SURG 7500 - Clerkship in Urology: University Hospital Surgery ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 6
SURG 7535 - Introduction to Clinical Cardiothoracic Surgery Surgery CLINICELECTIVE MS3 24
SURG 7565 - Introduction to Clinical Plastic Surgery Surgery CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 23
SURG 7570 - Clerkship in Plastic Surgery Surgery CLINICELECTIVE MS3MS4 12
SURG 7700 - Vascular Surgery Subinternship Surgery ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 1
SURG 7710 - Introduction to Vascular Surgery Research Surgery ELECTIVERESEARCH MS1MS2MS3MS4 2
SURG 7775 - Intro to Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery Surgery ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 1
SURG 7780 - Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery Elective Surgery ELECTIVECLINIC MS3MS4 2
SURG 7802 - Transitions of Care: Surgical Care Navigator Program Surgery ELECTIVE MS2MS3
SURG 7810 - The Healer's Art Surgery ELECTIVE MS1MS2MS3MS4 1
SURG 7901 - Health Improvement Experience Surgery ELECTIVE MS3MS4
UUHSC 6601 - IPE Disclosure of Medical Error Health Science Education IPE MS3 5
UUHSC 6811 - Health Law for Non-Lawyers Health Science Education ELECTIVEVIRTUAL MS3MS4 1
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